Trade 100 | Uganda Marathon

100 distinct photography projects and hosts. How chuffed I was that the first three-figure trade landed on returning to the Uganda Marathon for the second time to meet both familiar and new faces for another extraordinary highlight on my calendar.

In every corner of the world so far on this project I have been asked what has been my favourite trade and the answer has always been this marathon in 2017 (Trade 62). So for the same event this year to met and exceed those expectations the second time around is no small feat. A blend of work-hard-play/laugh/dance-hard routine and fantastic company culminating once again in haphazardly strapping myself to the back of a boda for the day to photograph the race itself.

Special mention goes to everyone's dance moves and, in particular, the moment Ben actually dislocated his arm doing 'the lasso'.

British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.