Trade 45 | Veganel

Ewald cared about his food. Passionately so. That translated into amazing vegan food with care put into the selection of every ingredient and, to my surprise, one of the best coffees I've had of my trip. And I am no vegan by any stretch of the imagination.

Having previously work in the US, Argentina and then Adidas in Herzogenaurach, Ewald had then taken on a trial by fire in taking over a a vegan restaurant in Erlangen together with a group of friends, got the hang of it then put everything he had into opening Veganel, launching his Nuremberg restaurant and pizzeria at the beginning of 2017. Like trade 44 it had been Marcos' agency responsible for the design and creation of the interior of wellies, watering cans and inlayed flowers.

But the menu of vegan pizza, burgers, chilis, strudels and acai bowls were very much Ewalds creation. 

Nuremberg, Germany



British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.