Trade 52 | TXF Africa

Okay, so my initial train of thought when first contacted about this trade was something like this: "Not sure photographing conferences is my thing" followed quickly by "Don't be silly; say yes, see what happens" and finally "Hang on, my work doesn't look anything like their other galleries - is it even a good fit for them?". But from chatting with Katy that was the point - give me free reign to try something different. They were also saying yes and seeing what happened. I remained unsure though the event if I was fulfilling this as I continued to wrestle with trying to use my flash correctly but hey... I was in Kenya and the TXF team were a blast to hang out with.

I met the staff on the first morning still shaking off the surreal feeling I was in Kenya, stuffed some free hotel food into my rucksack on their insistence and barrelled out the door into a taxi with founders Dom and JB. First stop was the Kibera slum to visit Little Rock school, a partner of charity AbleChildAfrica who was in turn sponsored by TXF.

The following day the event itself kicked off. Two days of business people talking about business stuff that was a bit over my head... but fortunately I wasn't there to talk about Africa as a developing economy - I was there to take nice photos. The Nairobi backdrop and plenty of sharply dressed Kenyans lent itself quite well to that task.


Nairobi, Kenya




British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.