Trade 72 | TXF MENA

Trade 72 | TXF MENA

Everytime I return to photographing these events I'm put into another world to my own. One of suits, big money and project and export finance. I'm lost in most of it but the team running it is always a good laugh and with the divisive nature of social media etc these days I have been believing more and more in the importance of being exposed to other worlds. Yes, in the more obvious and glamorous travelling sense but how the world runs and develops is also buried in the less glamorous bits by comparison. Well okay, flying Emirates, rooftop drinks and the usual abundance of tiny delicious snacks is a little bit glamorous.

British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.